Top 50 Python Interview Questions With Example Answers

For example, extract all code snippets from a technology blog or get the current price of a product from a shopping website. Use libraries like Beautiful Soup or Scrapy to parse the HTML content and extract the relevant data. Develop a task scheduler that runs a specific function after a certain period of time. The scheduler should take user input for the function to run, the time interval (in seconds) between each run, and the total number of runs.

python developer interview questions

If the length of a name is equal to four, that name is added to our “four_letter_names” list. You must declare a new tuple instead if you want to modify the contents of a value inside a tuple. A list is declared as a collection of comma-separated values enclosed within square brackets whereas tuples are declared as a collection of values enclosed in curly brackets.

How do you handle exceptions in Python?

We generally use loops to iterate over the collections (list, tuple) in Python. Everything in Python is an object and all variables hold references to the objects. The reference values are according to the functions; as a result, you cannot change the value of the references. Python grows exponentially due to its simplistic nature and the ability to perform several functions in just a few lines of code. Due to its ability to support powerful computations using powerful libraries, it is used in various domains and it become the reason for the huge demand for Python developers across the world.

  • They use the __iter__() and __next__() methods to retrieve the next element until there are no more.
  • Global variables are accessible throughout a program, including within functions.
  • This situation hasn’t escaped the notice of some of the biggest companies in the world (Intel, NASA, Facebook, etc.), who are all looking for Python developers.

It simplifies loops where you need to access both elements and their corresponding positions. The ‘finally’ block defines a block of code that will be executed regardless of whether an exception is raised or not. Unit tests are performed on the smallest testable parts of software to ensure they function as intended. Access specifiers (public, protected, and private) determine the visibility of class members. Public members are accessible everywhere, protected members are set within derived classes, and private members are only within the class.

Full Stack Python Developer Interview Questions and Answers

These variables can be accessed by any function in the program. Python supports multiple inheritances, allowing a class to inherit attributes and methods from multiple parent classes. Polymorphism is a concept that refers to the ability of objects to take on multiple forms. In Python, it allows objects of different classes to be treated as if they belong to a common superclass.


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